Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

We felt BrightHR’s strong, modern look and focus on design and functionality, placed the software head and shoulders above the competition.

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  • Name

    Angharad Jones Leefe

  • Job title

    Executive Director

  • Company

    Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

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The challenge

"We found it harder to monitor absence as the team grew."

“As a small team we need to make sure everyone is performing to the best of their ability, and as we grew we faced additional pressures to monitor absence.”

Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru’s levels of absence are generally low and they previously monitored absence informally, however the organisation felt the need to formalise the process as they grew. At BrightHR we hear this a lot. It’s easy to keep an eye on your team when you’re small. As your business grows, business owners and managers can find themselves feeling less confident that they’re effectively managing their team’s time.

The solution

"BrightHR's automated system makes managing holidays and sickness simple."

By formalising their absence managment processes using BrightHR software, the theatre operation has been able to get a better understanding of absence patterns within their business to look at efficiency and staff welfare.

Often absence management software can often be perceived as dull and difficult to use. However, it's our ongoing mission to develop a product that is simple and enjoyable to work with.

Through BrightHR, Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru can easily recognise a pattern of recurring absences and often identify the cause. This enables them to take action to resolve any issues and provide support to staff before problems become more serious. As Angharad says: “Using absence management software has enabled us to reduce paperwork. It has also freed up staff time previously spent on HR admin, so they have more time to focus on their everyday duties. In this sense BrightHR has helped us to save time and money.”

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